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Short Term Rental Riches

Jun 20, 2023

If you’re building a short-term rental business or planning on adding another property or two in the future you might find yourself getting overwhelmed. The reality is, we can’t do it all ourselves! Not if we want to grow anyway. The first step for many of us is to hire someone to help with all the guest communications. We’ve talked about this before and how our company has been hiring lots of extremely talented help out of the Philipines and Mexico.

It’s a big world out there though and since we can now work with others virtually easier than we’ve broadened our horizons and began hiring out of Eastern Europe.

This week I want to share with you a new place you can look for virtual help and find extremely talented and capable team members at a fraction of what it might cost to hire in the USA. This week we’ll break down:

  • Where to hire directly in Eastern Europe
  • Why you should hire someone (even if you think you’re not ready)
  • Benefits of hiring in Eastern Europe
  • What to expect
  • Some interview questions you’ll want to ask

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Get a copy of my 12 proven house rules to protect your property from almost every negative situation (highly recommended)

You can find all of our links here including our website, recommended resources, upcoming live events, short-term rental playbook, Instagram, and more!